Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Beginning of the Journey

Greetings and welcome to the journey!

So why this Blog?  The answer is part of my personal journey...

After a short 7 year marriage to the wrong person, I had a 9 year relationship I thought could last forever... until someone else had the same idea with my man.  Can anyone relate?  Ugh, right?

Now 2 years removed from that heartbreak, I have recently attempted to jump back into the "dating pool" online, and oh, what a different pool I have discovered it is!  Eleven years ago it seemed so much more simple and easy to communicate with men and make connections.  Now that I am an older and wiser gal, better and more happy and whole in every way, ironically I have found it to be so much more complicated - I have deduced I have no "game" or thought I ever even needed it.  To be honest, I still don't want to learn.  I enjoy not being a Drama Queen and the freedom to just confidently be "me" - no games needed.  But communicating with men and trying to get past that first awkward stage of getting to know each other has a new challenge that I have never encountered before, and I never encounter "offline" (in person).  How can I translate online what is so easy in person?

I have encountered so many frustrations with the whole online dating process, all of which I will share on this Blog.  And being on the healed side of heartbreak, I find myself almost not caring about dating if it is this much work.  Go figure!  But, I am a people person who desires to grow old with someone as I believe God has created us to do.  And I am not getting any younger!  So, while I still have it all going on, I have chosen to keep myself in "the game," if you will, in the hopes of eventually and successfully connecting with that exceptionally special man. 

Ultimately, my hope is in God to connect me to that right man in the right time.  Being "online" is just a way to broaden the scope of opportunity for Him to do that.

I know I am far from being alone in this quest.  So I wanted to create a forum where we could all come together and support each other.  I also believe in seizing our own destiny.  While the online dating sites are a wonderful tool, I have felt constricted, limited in genuine expression, and at the mercy of the "system."  I need to feel empowered with the matters of my own heart and life.  This Blog is one avenue that will give me that as I hope it does for you.

Please note, even though I am presenting this Blog in a very non-formal way, much like a journal and an on-going conversation, (I hope sometimes to video-blog also), I do have a few rules for the road for anyone who comments: 

1 - Be respectful
2 - No foul language
3 - Agree to disagree on differences, but do so without attacking
4 - Be wonderfully you

Last but not least, I have a HUGE heart that embraces everyone.  Please do not mistake my graciousness, kindness, patience and honest vulnerability for any kind of weakness.  I work hard to become the best "Me" God created me to be.  I am secure enough to share in such a candid and genuine way because I want to create a safe environment for everyone to be able to do the same.  We grow only from such honesty.  So please, cover me in love and grace as I promise I will do for you.

Looking forward to all we discover here together - thank you for being part of the journey!

From my heart,